Teacher Resources, References & Links

The following WV Content Standards and Objectives would be utilized with the WebQuest:

  • 21C.O.9-12.1.LS1 – Student recognizes information needed for problem solving, can efficiently browse, search and navigate online to access relevant information, evaluates information based on credibility, social, economic, political and/or ethical issues, and presents findings clearly and persuasively using a range of technology tools and media.
  • 21C.O.9-12.3.TT8 – Student uses technology to seek strategies and information to address limits in their own knowledge.
  • RLA.O.9.1.01 – examine the social, historical, cultural and biographical influences on literary and informational texts.
  • RLA.O.9.1.05 – locate and analyze the author’s use of specific information in text (e.g., author’s purpose/perspective, main and supporting details, specific facts, statistics, definition).
  • RLA.O.9.1.06 – formulate supportable predictions, generalizations, opinions, inferences and conclusions based upon text.
  • RLA.O.9.1.09 – recognize and examine the purpose of organizational patterns (e.g. problem-solution, cause-and-effect, textual features including table of contents, headings, sidebars, marginal notes, graphical representations such as tables, timelines, captions, maps, photographs) and ideas in informational and literary texts.
  • RLA.O.9.2.01 – compose narrative, informative, descriptive, persuasive writing from a prompt using the five-step writing process (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, publishing).
  • RLA.O.9.2.04 – identify, evaluate, and analyze a variety of informational media using primary and secondary sources.
  • RLA.O.9.2.06 – incorporate varied note taking skills to process and organize information into an outline for a composition (introduction, main points, supporting details, conclusion).
  • RLA.O.9.3.01 – plan, prepare appropriate background information on a specified topic and communicate effectively in different settings (e.g. interpersonal, small group, whole group) and for different purposes to inform, persuade, relate, entertain.
  • RLA.O.9.3.07 – plan, create, organize, and present an age appropriate media product that demonstrates an understanding of format, purpose, and audience.

References and Links

Farley, C. (1996). “Lose Now, Pay Later.” In R. Cormier. (Ed). Crossroads: Classic themes in

     young adult literature. (pp. 264-272). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman.



Moore, J. (2010, spring semester). Reading in the Content Areas, Rdng 622. Class handout. West

     Virginia University.





